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The Definition of Monday

Regarding the blog title, here is's definition:

the second day of the week; first day of the working weekDictionary

Here is MY definition:

The day following a day when you could stay up all night and not worry about when you got out of bed.Razer

So in essence, in my world, today was Monday. Screw whatever you guys say! It is Monday! And I just came up with that!

Anyway, back to reality! I borrowed Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood from my uncle on Monday and am on the final boss fight. The GS review said it would take 7 hours. That wasn't even close to 7 hours. Action is pretty good though, which is unfortunately the only redeeming quality.

In other news, my Labor Day weekend was packed! Saturday was a combined birthday party for my little sister and my grandmother. We got an ice cream cake! Woohoo! Sunday was a wedding party for my cousin. The actual wedding was sudden since they realized they were going to join the army for college. Monday was spent partly at the lake, where I went tubing, partly doing homework. The tubing was fun until the aches started after purposefully falling off the tube since they wouldn't stop. Also, I smelled like crap when I got home!

If you weren't aware, I'm now in school and I plan on doing a "Rate My Teachers" blog soon. Some will be funny to you guys, so tune in for that!

Anything else worth mention... oh, the Japan trip is most likely not happening. I got an e-mail from the sponsor saying that enough seniors and juniors signed up so they are not taking many, if any, sophomores. But they go very other year so I'll probably get to go as a senior. Which means I'm either going to Italy over Spring Break, taking a trip next year or getting an exchange student.Gives me more time to earn the $1500 I have to earn to go. My folks agreed to pay half of the fee if I earned half to see how bad I wanted to go.

Here's a fun fact: how many of you all played that onePrince of Persia game with Elika and a new prince? Apparently, the gods from the gameexist in a real life religion called Zoroastrianism. Those cheaters!

Funny pic time! This is in dedication to my cousin's wedding. I saw a t-shirt with this and I wanted to get him one, but couldn't find it.

Game Over

Tofa! That is another new bit for my blogs. Saying "goodbye" in foreign languages! But if you want to know what language it is... well... screw it, figure it out for yourselves!
