Now all of you stop getting exicited. I am not and (to Slyfur's extreme displeasure) never will be dead. The Razer name lives on in all of you. Scary, ain't it? :P
Anyway, this soul-suking exam is the AP Human Geography Mock Exam I took yesterday. I really did feel sick after the test. Never really been drained from school like that. The test had questions I had NO idea what they were talking about. My teacher told us there would be stuff we hadn't heard of, but one question wasn't in any of the material we had received. Yeah, I checked ALL of it! I am praying that I did well since my teacher decided to make the mock are final exam grade. 25%. I might be sick...
Anyway, enough belly aching. There is a time honored tradition in my famiy you need to be aware of. We begin celebrating our birthdays a month in advance. So if you're birthday is say... June 7th, you can start gloating on May 7th. We don't get gifts, we just get bragging rights among the house. And guess what kiddies...yesterday was the beginning ofmy month long brag-fest.
Ok, I'm done. Glad I got that out.
I know my activity has been slow lately. Don't expect anything new soon. The earliest I expect to get CRAZY active is about May 14th, when the actual AP exam is.
Here's my funny pic of the blog for all you exam takers out there:
God speed, my friends!