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This Blog Has More Power In It's Little Pinky Than You Have In Your Whole Body!

We interrupt this presentation of "Yo Momma! The Musical" with this important news bulletin... oh crap... I need a teleprompter. I guess that means I've become Barack Obama. :P No offense to any of my Democratic peeps.

Anyway, this isn't a real blog. If it was, I would tell you facts that just don't matter (they matter as much as whatever the Olsen twins are up to these days) and explain the blog title. The truth is, I just came up with the blog title and thought is was funny. But a "wow-is-he-serious" kind of funny.

Now, the real point of this blog is simple: My activity level has been like zero for the past few weeks. But I have an excuse. Well, two really but one is a very good one. Good excuse: school is ruining my ****ing life! I hate it so ****ing much that I wanna blow that **** sky high! GAHHHH!!! :evil: Ahh... that's better :D

And then there is the bad excuse: I have finally started playing Modern Warfare 2. Sadly, most of the surprises were ruined for me before playing the actual game but it is still epic. I am closing in on halfway through Spec Ops, playing through the campaign for the second time on Veteran (for the trophies) and slowly working my way up in multiplayer since I can only play when my folks... well... aren't awake. And no, I am not kidding. They think I will be exposed to too much "vulgarity" playing online. In any given night of playing MW2, I hear the same amount of "vulgarities" as I do riding the bus to school.

Now I plan on writing a full fledeged blog later on in the week with PSATs and a long weekend. I promise some good things to share with you all.

Full fledged or not, I need a funny pic!

Defend Burger Town!

