If you can't tell by the title,I saw Robin Hood, which was one heck of a movie by the way, on Friday. How you knew I saw on it Friday is amazing though. :P Not historically accurate, but who cares. No one chooses to watch a movie for the facts.I can see a spoof of this being made called "Meet The Merry Men".
Anyway, I am not dead. Sorry to disappoint you all. I believe I did pretty well on the AP exam. Essays were not as bad as I thought they would be. Multiple choice was good and I had time to go back and fix some dumb mistakes I made.
I am in the process of finding the perfectly awesome-ist avatar. Stupid Avatarist doesn't have a resize 80 by 80 choice. I have a cool House avatar, but I need to fix it. So for now, I'll stick with good ol' Dante. And just to show how awesome House is, here's the pic to prove it.
Ok, maybe that isn't the best pic to choose, but I feel crappy right now and don't feel like finding another one.
Anyway, E3 is approaching quickly so here is what I really am hoping for:
1) More on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I was too young for the original Symphony of the Night game and now I really want to get into it.
2) A Kingdom Hearts that's NOT on a handheld. I don't own any handhelds (anymore) and really don't like them. Besides, I've waited long enough. I don't want this to turn into another FFXIII, coming out around 3-4 years late.
3) More on Arkham Asylum 2. I want confirmation Mark Hamill will be doing the voice-work again. Screw Bats. I love the Joker. I wish I could show you guys my Joker impression. It's scary good. Or maybe just scary...
4) inFamous 2. I thought the ending the first game was a bit cheesy, but the setup for the second will be either awesome or awesomely fail-worthy.
5) A new Uncharted. There is nothing I can say how awesome that would be.
Alright, I am done typing.Bye