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Too Lazy For a Good Title

I am beat and don't want to come up with a random title.

In class yesterday, we found a rat and we had to end class a little early because we wanted him gone. I saw him run behind a filing cabinet. I leaned over to see him and saw a fur ball coming at me. He burst out and starting running across the room. He created mass hysteria with every girl and every guywas screaming "Kill it!" Some people were recording the event and one guy tried to box the guy in a corner and succeeded until he ran right around. Soon enough, the teacher whacked the rat with a broom, the rat ran outside and ran right under the second story railing and fell on his back. The entire class in cheering when they see the ratget up and crawl away. Best Latin class EVER!

Also, a sad event today of the kamikaze psycho took a plane and ran into an IRS building in Austin. He posted a 6 page manifesto describing his deranged thoughts. I found it here. I read only the first page and I was disturbed by the guy. I hope they find his body and bury him in the debris AND throw it in a volcano. A sad day indeed.

It's sad to think that so many people are beginning to lose it and do something incredibly stupid. I remember hearing about a stalker down here in Florida, and after months of stalking, the woman went to a judge with 72 pages of threats and ravings of how the woman is ignoring him, hoping for a restraining order. The judge postponed it. The day before she was set to see the judge again, her stalker found her and shot her, then himself.

What is the world coming to where rational people are taking to rash acts of violence in order to try and bring a sense of peace or god knows what into their minds. I will never understand the mindset to push people over the edge like that.

Thanks for listening.
