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Wait...You Can Do What With Your Toes?

I think this is a fun fact. I can move my pinkie (or is it pinky?)toe independently from the rest of my toes. It's pretty cool. Anyway, off human anatomy!

Here ye! Here ye! M'lordBarack Obama's will is done and we all are gonna die waiting for doctors! And according to Biden this is "a big f***ing deal." And yes he said that out front of cameras. What an idiot!

Now onto other Razer news...Final Fantasy 13 is still awesome. I am about halfway through, I think, and am still in awe of how much work SE put into this. Every push-back is worth it, in my opinion. Best PS3 RPG out there right now. I also wish to make a poll for the men out there. Who's more attractive: Lightning of Fang? I can't decide. Vanille is cute, but more like 'little sister' cute.




Place your vote in the comments section below. GS, next update, allow polls within a blog.

I am thankful Spring Break starts next week. My concern is that we are going to some beach house and I won't have access in FF13. I would cry if that happened. I'm going to have a lot of school crap to do anyway! Stupid AP course!Students are underappreciated these days! We work just has hard as regular joes (besides the hours) and they get paid for it!

Final note, apperently I am not annoying enough to be considered Slyfur's worst enemy. So I'm going to beign the rise to evil-dom. First step...AIRHUG! Everyone gather round! :lol:

Check out this cool pic I found:

Live Long and Prosper

I wish this could be my avatar, but if you shrink it, you can't read it. Whatever!

Live long and prosper!
