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Yeah I'm Early, But I Still Want My Bird!

Ladies and gentlemen, the president of all your lives (you know it's true! :P), RazerBlade13! Now this is a big ******* deal! Wait a second, get outta here Joe Biden! Sheesh!

Well, the Thanksgiving break has officially begun! Thank you Jesus! I've been going to bed at 4 am every night so far! Go me!

Honestly, I needed this break from school. Not really from the work, but more the people. Which leads into a story I would like to tell you all. And like all my stories, they start with this statement: Looking back, this was really, REALLY stupid on my part.

This happened last Wednesday in 6th period. My teacher, while being a very nice lady, is incredibly lazy. So instead of actually taking attendance, she passed around a sheet to sign. Now somehow, the sheet skipped over me. So I found it and asked the dude to give it to me. Now this guy ranks in my top 5 lazy douches I have ever meet,and being the skinny, not threatening white boy I am, he decides to have some fun at my expense. Now, I was having a bit of a crappy day as it is, so listening to this guy's crap just pushed me a bit too far. His phone was sitting on his desk, so I grabbed it. I said I'll trade for the paper. He says he was gonna count to five. Now that "threat" has been made to me several times before, so I counted along with him. So it was a bit surprising when he actually punched me in the face! Surprisingly, I didn't really hurt, I just felt it the rest of the day. At that point, the items were switched and I went to my seat. I mentioned it to no one until the day after.

Now before I get any comments saying "Why didn't you hit him back?" Let me just remind you all. SKINNY! NON-THREATENING! WHITE GUY! :roll:

Now I've dealt with this through my teacher and now we can't get within 20 feet of each other for the remainder of the year or 10 days of suspension awaits whoever gets close. But the part that bothers me the most of the whole ordeal, he did it front of an entire room (except the teacher, who was in her office) and nobody said anything. Not one word! Has humanity just stopped giving a crap about others? Unless, of course, someone dies, then we start to care. Maybe I'm just whining, but I find that fact just sad. What happened to people?

Now, onto cheerier subjects! :D

I finished Sly 3 of the Sly Collection yesterday. I am just one trophy short of the platinum. Each game ha it's own platinum, so if any of you are trophy hoarders like me, get it. It's so easy to get the platinums on Sly 1 and 2, but 3 might take me a little while to complete all the challenge missions.

Thanksgiving is only a few days away! Food coma, here I come! Now this is the 1st Thanksgiving in memory where both sides of my family will be attending since my mother's folks moved down here to Florida. I don't know how it will turn out, but knowing my family, I should bring a spare set to boxers in case I tinkle myself laughing! :lol:

Now I don't plan on doing a blog again before Thanksgiving, so I'll put the top5 things I'm thankful for now in no particular order!

1) I'm thankful Infinity Ward has been "reconstructed" whatever that means. I like IW WAY more than Treyarch, all those whiners who've been noob-tubed one too many times be darned!

2) I'm thankful my mother's folks are down her close now. They lived 11 hours away before and I'm glad to see them so often now!

3) I'm thankful it's finally starting to cool down here! I'm tired of wearing t-shirts in November! I want to start shivering!

4) I'm thankful the guy who punched me didn't beat me into a small pulp. Nuff said.

5) I'm thankful I'm really starting to find myself. This part gets a little deep, so if you don't care about my well-being, skip this one. I'm really starting to believe I really don't care what others think. I know I am smart. I know I am not athletic. And most important? I know if who I am isn't good enough for you, keep walking. I get some so-called "friends" telling me if I just did a sport, just broke a rule, just did something different, I'd be better off. I have a message for those "friends": take a look at the 20th word of this blog, take off the -ing (it's shown -***) and put the word "off" at the end. Thanks! ;) And that message is not directed atanyone here, FYI.

I'm sure there are other things I'm thankful for, I'm just too lazy to think of them.

Now here is a funny Thanksgiving pic for you all!

Me Post Thanksgiving

That's actually more post Thanksgiving... anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, and for my Canadian friends, Happy Thursday!
