This blog title shall be explained later in the blog.
Anyway, it's been eleven days since my last blog and that's been about the time since I've really been on GS. Most of my time has been either on homework or gaming. Sorry, but gaming is WAY more important to me at this point. It's better stress relief. Have I said how much I hate high school in a while?
Anyway, here's my gaming updates. One, I got the Enslaved demo. Now before I downloaded the demo, I couldn't really care less about the game and that changed 5 minutes into the demo. Awesome story from what I saw and nice combat. The running animation for the main character almost made me laugh out loud, though. Also, I plan on buying the new DeathSpank when I can get to the store and buy a PSN card. The first one was hilarious and this one is promised to be longer and just as funny. C'mon, what's not funny about a superhero wearing a thong?
OK, now something I feel I need to say. For those of you who don't know RikusGirl6, she is a great friend of mineand I recently saw a picture of her from a few years ago and I feel the need to say this... marry me, RG! Oh wait.. I'm 16 years old... there could be a problem there. Oh well! :P
Can I just say this Greatest Villain Contest is a fluke? Darth Vader and that Medusa-looking looking chick from Starcraft? I knew it was bad when Sephiroth was knocked out round one, upset when Kefka lost to Sweet Tooth and near tears when Joker lost so I just hate the results. Screw whoever wins this, Kefka FTW! And in case you have seen my bracket, I know I picked Sephiroth to win, but that doesn't mean I think he should have!
OK, now here is that "Rate my Teachers" list I promised oh so long ago. I won't be mentioning names in case someone from my school sees this. And will GlitchSpot ever fix what's wrong with me typing the word Lass-cey (that is Pig Latin for those who don't know):
Chemistry I- This is the beginning of a dismal day of hard mental labor. The teacher seems nice enough, but all we've done so far is the basics and I haven't been doing so hot with THAT stuff. Luckily, there is a cute girl that sits pretty close to me, so that makes my morning better. :D Rating - Meh... *goes to sleep*
AP World History- My one college course this year. It is... I can't think of any word that little kids could see that explains my loathing of the class. The workload has multiplied tenfold over last year. The good news, the teacher is hilarious. She actually gave me this blog title and she was serious when she said that to a student. Rating - Tough Love (Does that sound wrong?)
English II- This is an experimental class of English geniuses apparently. I kinda see it, kinda not. Now the teacher is pretty fun, saying the National Anthem like the Govenator. English has never been so hard, but not bad. We have to keep track of a country we drew at the beginning of the year and I am a somewhat expert of Mexico! Rating - FAVORITE!
Algebra II- This period is pure, unadulterated hell! The teacher is the WORST teacher I think I've ever had! :evil: She repeats everything she says around 3 times a day, her voice gives me migraines and she gives us overkill homework. Then again, my math teacher last year spoiled me rotten. Rating - SAVE ME!!! :cry:
Latin II- This class is a close second for best period, if it weren't for the majority of the rest of class. A mouse running on a wheel could power more lights than most of their brain's power combined. But the teacher is a great, easy-going guy. Never too much work in that class. Rating - Fairly good
Marketing Essentials- This is a waste of a period. I could show up 20 minutes late to class and the teacher will still haven't have started class on most days. Today was the first time we did actual work in class. The majority of the class i spent working on a project. Shouldn't be too bad. And she bakes cookies in class to sell! Rating - COOKIES!
HOPE- This is the way the school system can say if we become drug addicts, it isn't their fault. It's part sex ed./don't do drugs and another part PE. The teacher is lazy and the majority of other students are obnoxious freshmen. Still, plenty of cute girls! ;) Rating - Gahhh... *stabs self with pencil*
Overall School Impression - Not much reason to get out of bed, but some.
Now I just want those who read this to know this is a surprising light homework day, which is why I have time for this blog. I'm not expecting this to happen very often, so expect my activity to be about what it has been over the last week, but I will attempt to be here more often. I plan on going through people's blogs and seeing what I've missed in the unions.
Now here is a funny picture, in honor of my favorite period of the day:
Magha and thanks for reading!