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You Need To Give A Girl Candy Before She'll Get In Your Bag!

No, I am not some kind of child predator. This is a line from DeathSpank, a ridiculously funny game I bought on PSN that has been taking lot of my time. I did paraphrase a bit. Anyway, if you have 15 dollars and want to kill a day or two, buy this game.

In case you haven't noticed, I leveled up! No more stupid MGS quote! Defias Brotherhood is an awesome name.I even downloaded the demo for MGS4 to learn what it isand I wasn't a huge fan of it since I'm impatient and not stealthy atALL...

I'll be working onmy 1 year anniversary blog. And yes, my picture will be there. I just need to upload it from the camera and put it on Photobucket. I don't know how I'm gonna make it special, but I'll think of something. Any ideas would be appreciated.

One more annoucement, I have found a general news union looking to be created. He hasn't made it yetbecause the guy wants to make sure its active and wants to find a lot of people. If anyone is interested, PM me or just leave a comentand I'll give you the info. Don't join unless you want to contribute.

Now for the funny pic...

MGS Kittens

Oh no! Don't look at the dead operative, Muffins!

Sorry for the short blog.
