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You'd Complain If You Were Hung With A New Rope!

This blog title is brought to you by my grandfather. This is a quote he used with my mother whenever she complained and my mother now uses it on me. I rather like it. Charming and unethical all at once.

Well...I have my learner'spermit. Lucky for well... America, I'm not allowed to drive until we vist North Carolina next week. There all I can hit are trees and small rodents. Not that I am aiming for the small rodents, mind you :twisted: . But by the time I get back, I'll be a somewhat decent driver. The only current benefit is that I can pointout everything my folks do wrong while driving. Then they threaten to beat me and I clam up quick.

Which leads to another point of the blog: I'll be in North Carolina from this Saturday through the end on July. My father has a ton of buisness there that month so we rented a place so we won't miss him. I not thrilled with the idea of being away from home for a month, but I'm a teenager, what do I know what I like? I'm pretty sure I'll still have internet since my folks will still be working, but I may be severly limited. My little sister has become addicted to this weird tween version of Facebook where she can post stupid pictures of things she steals off Google and mashes it all together. Glad shes at singing camp for the week.

Man...I really need to find new things to talk about in these blogs. RG and Fur have their stories, Aidan has things with his kid, Naut is well...Nautand well, is my livethat *bleep*in'boring?!? Jeez!!! I'd start a story, butthen I'd feellike a hack and I have a feeling those girls would agree.

Oh. one final piece of news! I get my braces of in August unless something breaks and then I'll just beat myself in the head. I'm surprised I've never posted a picture of myself up here yet. Maybe I'll get a cult following! :P I am gorgeous after all!

Time for the funnies! This is a shot at Smokey the Bear.

A Box of Matches

Good Night and Godspeed!
