I get that the companies are trying to get more money. They deserve it. Used games, while cheaper, do nothing to promote the industry. But what they don't seem understand is who will support an industry that drains us dry. They should just create more incentive to buy new and make the $60 worth it.
So you release a game a week early and then end out an e-mail saying "We forgot to fix these things. We'll fix them with a patch later."? Why not just do it ahead of time. I love patches, but seriously?
I'm going to say this, knowing plenty of people will disagree with me. I think this generation's obsession with multiplayer is ruining the single player experience. Black Ops, I think, just about everyone bought for the multiplayer and that's the best-selling game in the world, thanks to rampant fanboy-ism. That's why I'm glad games like Batman: Arkham City decide to nix multiplayer. Think of all the games we started with and think of being "generation defining" like Final Fantasy and Castlevania: SotN.
RazerBlade13's comments