@dmdavenport You have a valid point. I'm a gun owner and even own an AR15, but I realize that some individuals aren't responsible enough or sane enough to have these weapons available to them.
As a fellow Mountaineer , I'm glad to say I did not vote for Rockefeller this election, . Video games are not to blame for a psychopath that wanted to kill a bunch of kids. I would understand a restructure to the current game rating system, but that won't change anything. Even if the rating system is altered, parents will still buy 10 year-old little Billy the newest copy of Call of Duty for Christmas, but god forbid he look at a pair of boobs on the internet, explain that one lol. All media anymore contains massive amount of violence and America has seemed to let violence be excepted while sexual content has been considered a taboo. In the end basically it seems America as a whole has everything backwards... Why does my stupid-ass state keep voting this guy back in :/
all these games were f****** amazing I literally couldn't pick a favorite, but Halo 4's graphics were pretty unbelievable for a console. The campaign and spartan ops are also some of the most fun I've ever had on a shooter. Far Cry 3 was still probably my personal favorite, the story was deep with a lot of hidden undertones and the graphics on my 680 gtx look out of this world!
Can't wait for this, I literally bought an Xbox again just to play this game. Most of my friends play PS3 though so I don't have anyone to play with yet!!! GamerTag is SilenceIsDefeat, add me and we can kill things together! While I'm here, any other recommendations for must play Xbox games?
@Silthers Yea, i think they talk about it in the newest books if I remember right. Spartan 4's are pretty much the Spartan 2's like Chief but not raised from children like Chief. They are all hardened vets from the get go. The books are all pretty phenomenal from the ones I've read. Ghost's of Onyx was my favorite by far, it has the Spartan 3's in it.
GM is in our future but i foresee more cybernetic research taking the stage soon. Almost like Deus Ex, I wouldn't be surprised to see people opting into implants and augmented body parts. Ethics shouldn't be an issue in any of this, everyone has a choice to "augment" or not, why hold the ones that want to back?
I'm a die hard Android fan, but they do need to step it up in the games department. Angry Birds and Radiant are great, but that's really about it right now. I think the Playstation Phone, Zues Z1, or Xperia Play (or what ever it's going to be called) is going to put Android on top of smartphone gaming arena. We just have to look forward to CES in a couple days and maybe we will see an official announcement... Btw, why wasn't Alchemy on this list??? Samsung Captivate - AXURA CE 2.2 ... FTW!
RazgriezOne's comments