Mood: Nervous
Music: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: The Fight
Argh. I'm so nervous. Some lady from "Socialstyrelsen" is going to call me and I'm going to ask her a bunch of questions about teenagers in a certain area of my hometown where there are a lot of problems and such. I hate writing reports and finding information for them. >_<
Yesterday I tried to beat Shahdee in POPWW for 2 hours, but she's too strong. I've noticed that she has a certain way of fighting, and I've learned that I have to jump backwards when she's just about to kick the Prince. Also, since my graphic card is slowing down the game, I really don't have time to react before she hits me. Ack. I hate my frickin' gfx card. It sucks. I shouldn't have paid around 100 dollars for it. Triple dang. >_<
I better go and play some POPTSOT before that lady calls. I need to relax...