A Nintendo DS would be well worth your time.
Re_ensurer's forum posts
I don't know about the rest of you, but recently, I've really been wanting a new side-scrolling Metroid game. I know we've seen the DS is capable of putting out a great first-person Metroid game, but we haven't had a side-scrolling Metroid since Zero Mission (2004), and who didn't like Zero Mission (or Fusion for that matter). Both of those were terrific and I'd just like to see another at some point.
Who else agrees on the idea? Share your thoughts.
I know it's been thought of before, but we really need this game. lol
Who else would love to see a Paper Mario game on the DS?
Chrono Trigger. I'm totally enjoying revisiting this game. The addition of the anime movie sequences is so nice.
The concept of the game is awesome. But the controls will just annoy you after a while. There's plenty to do though.
I'd say go with Chinatown Wars for now. But be sure to pick up Phantom Hourglass at a later date. Both games shouldn't go unplayed.
Currently I'm playing Robocalypse, GRID, Children of Mana and Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ. I really like Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ. I just posted a blog about my impressions on it so check it out if you're looking for a fun shooter.
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