(poor Jesus thinking that he's being rejected)
It seems like the broad sense of what Atheism is described as among many theists is the rejection of god, but how can you reject something you do not believe in? The problem with religious apologetics using the definition of the word atheism as meaning one who rejects god is that it implies that atheists actually believe god exists, which is simply not the case. Atheism is the default position, in other words, everybody is born an Atheist. Of course you will hear the half-wit theist spewing crap about how everybody is born under god and blah blah blah, just more deluded crap that lacks any form of rationality, though I'll save that for another day.
Here's another thing that seems to be misunderstood, How the hell do so many people end up calling themselves Agnostic without relating it to Atheism? and Why? I guess they believe it's a stand alone position or something on the subject of god and religion. This is probably a term I see used most by those under sixteen or teenage girls. "I don't believe in god BUT I DONT NOT BELIEVE IN HIM EITHER LOL" Like the term "I'don't know $hit" is a really fitting position on the subject, or even a position to begin with. You either fall into one of the four categories, refer to the above picture; and yes it makes you an atheist if you fall into the Agnostic Atheist category, stop just calling yourself an Agnostic like it's a position on it's own.
Also why the hell do atheists tend to be labelled as people who all believe in evolution? Like it's mysteriously written in some Atheist handbook or something that we are all given upon our initiation into kissing Satan's large anus (apparently). Though it's probably true that many of those who identify themselves as "Atheist" tend to believe in evolution, mostly because they tend to hold the view that believing in something with real evidence behind it is better than believing in a claim with no evidence at all, but to say we all believe in evolution is laughable, and yet atheists still seem to be attacked for it by theists constantly. I mean after all it's just a theory right guys? What's with that anyways? Calling something "just a theory" like it discredits everything somehow. I'm starting to see this more and more lately and it's quite pathetic that somebody would be so quick to dismiss something just because it's a "theory" but I guess those same people probably laugh at the theory of gravity as well.....
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