Just a couple of minutes ago I was looking through the threads on the system wars forum. The title was "system wars over.proof". As I read on the the thread said more people searched xbox 360 than ps3 and that proved that the 360 had won the system wars. Even though I to think that over all the 360 has won the system war I know that the argument will never be over. No one likes to admit that they are wrong. You are never going to see a hardcore sony fan agreeing with a 360 fan that one or the other is better. Peoples natural instinct is to defend what ever thing they have in this case a new gen ststem. People are oppinionated and you just cant change that with some statistic. The only way that I can see an end to the current system war is when a whole new slew of new consoles come out. Then people are going to be arguing wether the ps4, xbox 720 (360+360) or the nintendo miniscule (instead of wii) is better than the other. These were just a few thoughts i wanted to get down.