Please ignore the decidedly southern title, lol. Thanksgiving is upon us and I will be heading out with my family tomorrow (grandparents included :) ) to go eat and visit. I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and I hope that everybody takes the time to really soak in the meaning of the holiday this year.
Now, on to gaming...I've pretty much been utterly consumed with NFS Hot Pursuit, and it's safe to say that I've been addicted to it since I got my hands on it. Not that I didn't see it coming, having waited 4+ years for such a game, but I just want to emphasize how awesome it is. I'm very close to a Platinum trophy now, having acquired everying but full ranks as cop and racer (and I'm not far off from either)as well as the trophies for playing 10 online "Interceptor" events as a cop and as a racer individually. When I do nab the Platinum trophy, it will be only my second, as I currently have only one which was for Batman: Arkham Asylum.
If anybody is interested, I also wrote my official review for Hot Pursuit, which can be viewed here:
Apparently people found it helpful, because so far it has been recommended by 15/15 users, lol! I was also invited to "The Writers Lounge" union about 24 hours after posting the review ( :D ). But you want to knowthe ironic thing about it all? There's a decently big flaw in my review. I completely forgot about an entire game mode for the racers side of the career mode, which is called Gauntlet. But evidently, people still enjoyed the review, so it's all good. If you read it and happen to think it to be helpful or well-written, please give it a thumbs-up to give it higher credibility.
There's just a couple of snapshots I took whilst playing NFS:HP. The first is a result of a crash which I found quite funny, the second is a billboard I drove by somewhere in Seacrest County during free-roam, and the third is a lineup of satellites alongside a roadway out in the desert which I cruised through in Patrol Mode. Sorry about the poor quality, but the Snapshot feature isn't as pretty as the Dreamshot featurein the game.
So I think that's it for me everyone. Once again, have a great Thanksgiving! God bless and please comment.