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RedKnightRaider Blog

Buttons to be Mashed

While watching an old show of button mashing i realized how much I loved that show but as i have realized with many other podcast, this one might not ever be the same. I found that with the Hotspot I really stopped listening once Everyone who was a regular host or guest left and this feels like it would be the same way. Would the show be the same without Rich being the host? My personal opinion is NO, Rich brought so much enthusiasm to the show and he had such personality I don't think anyone would be as great as him. However I would still love to see the show make a return because I found it hilarious to tune in when there was a new show and watch other people struggle with easy tasks.

Please Gamespot bring back Button Mashing, PLEASE.

Cheese Tactics As Suggested By Shanker

As I played an online game of NHL 09 a few nights ago, my opponent was one of the players who used certain cheese tactics to win the game. He constantly skated across the crease trying to beat my goalie across to score, while I eventually was able to stop him it was quite annoying. I recently thought of this tactic because of a Shanker qoute given in one of the episodes of "From The Bleachers". He talked of doing this in a NHL game he played growing up and I now wonder why people do it. I personally find satisfaction in scoring a well set up goal or making a good basket in NBA, but why do people decide to use these. Shanker has openly talked of "chessin" people but why. I myself every now and then play "Kobe Ball" but I make tough plays instead of
taking advantage of game glitches.

So Shanker a question I have for you is WHY do you choose to do this. I have no problem with people doing this in an off-line game on your own but I get so Pissed off when people do this on-line.

Anyways I found it kind of funny that a few days later of this game against this Cheeser in NHL 09 I listen to Shanker give this exact tactic to everyone.

Everyone let me know what you think cause i would like to get better at writing blogs and journalism.
