alan wake i thought was always slated 08. huxley will probly be 08 as well. is too human officially announced for august, im so hyped for that game. august/sept will be amazing.
yea its dumb ign always has their reviews up mad early for wii when other sites dont put them up till way late. matt even said in his podcast he'd have the review up for harry potter wii on monday and almost had it up for friday if he hadnt had so many events to go to. where as no other sites have even talked about it much.
My 360 was working fine last night, but now I can't get it to display an hd image through hd component cables to my lcd tv. It will work fine with the same cables if I put it in the video spot instead (with the 3 inputs red/white/yellow for 480i) but not when i try for full hd. anybody know a fix or should i try buying the vga cable and try hooking it up that way?
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