4 games is a backlog? I've got a good 20 game backlog spanning the last three generations of systems. I'm never going to get caught up unless I take 3 months off work.Canvas_Of_Flesh
I played GOW on PS2 and loved it. Got GOW2 but never really got into it for some bizarre reason that I'm still not sure of :s I may have to pick up this GOW collection and complete them suckers before I let myself get GOW3
Hi guys I've been real busy lately and haven't spent as many hours in my man cave playing games as I'd like. While I have been busy I've still been buying games so I have a backlog of games that must be completed before i can get Final Fantasy 13 , Just Cause 2 & God of War 3! Here's the list: Darksiders Assassins Creed 2 Bioshock 2 Bayonetta What order would you play these games in? Curious as to what other people think on the subject :P
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