Guys we have to be honest here and throw away our egos the Xbox One is better. I didnt realize how important the kinnect was gonna be, i think PlayStation should have followed suit and stuck with its original plans and make the ps4 with the eye.. All of these snap features and voice commands are on point on the one . I enjoy the way they incorporated to kinnect into the games we play , the whole system itself has a lot of things it can do right out the box. I enjoy my PS4 but theres nothing else I can say but enjoy the games on it and the sharing features. Nothing much else I can say im sorry. Just Overall the Xbox One has plentiful things to do as it aimed to be all around. And just because its all around it still didn't take away from the gaming experience.
ReddSmokee's forum posts
Let me start by saying that you will never get a rich role playing experience from a multiplayer game. Unless everyone speaks with accents and in the proper form of dialog for the type of setting. You might get that from some of the kids that go to the park and fight whilst wearing armour. But mostly, you won't. Secondly, they're doing all of Tamriel, which means that if they continue doing single player games after this, they'll design the environments to be the same as this game ( ie: wide open spaces filled with nothing, giant doorways with no doors, not enough npcs or too many nameless ones) also, fighting. If the fighting is any different from single player elder scrolls games (skyrim at this point) AT ALL, I'm not interested. Wow fruits be damned, that game sucked from day one and blizzard activision ruined video games. I don't want to click once to begin my "regular" attack then press a couple other buttons to fire off spells. And have you ever noticed that moving around while fighting is completely useless in mmos? No matter how close or far away you are, with small exceptions (butt hurt wow fans need not split hairs) you'll always hit them, even with arrows. No, if this game has any kind of "lock on" whatsoever, I'm out. Another thing that mmos brought to the table was the whole "pay for a game you already bought" bullshit. I will NEVER support that. I ot care if its a virtual BJ simulator. Once I've paid for it, you better NEVER ask me for another dime. And what about mods? The single best part of elder scrolls games has always been the modding community.. Will this work on this game? Ill admit there's plenty I haven't read about this game, but ill bet you every dime I make for the rest of my life I got at least half of this right. Bethesda, you used to be cool. Now your just another money grubbing greedy dev. Thanks for killing my favorite franchise in the most unceremonious manner possible. I hope you all drown in your Scrooge mcduck piles of money that I'm sure morons will line up to provide you with. Not only do I hate this game before its out, I hate anyone who buys it. This kind of shit is the lil Wayne of video games. Just like rap, when it got popular, it started to suck. Elder scrolls online... You **** sellouts...go kill yourself.NovascotianmanParagraphs.......................paragraphs..
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