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Just another bit of fun, or a real life-changing moment?

Another month, another blog, and whilst it's all too tempting to write about more controversies in the Formula One world, for a 2nd month in-a-row it's going to be about myself again.

The only reason this came about though is something that happened tonight.

As you may or may not know, as well as being an F1 guru, facts correcter for David Croftand potential Uni student, I'm somewhat involved in the music scene as well. This doesn't account to much serious, but I am a DJ for a local band club as well as occasionally doing radio shows, but my main interest within the music field is singing.

Since about 5 years ago, I started singing to a lot of songs that I had. Suffice to say when I started I was God awful, but over time and given time to practice I got better. About three years ago I started recording myself over songs, and they sounded ok, but still wasn't anything spectacular so to say. But I kept going, kept practicing, and eventually I thought to myself "hey, I'm not all that bad".

It was just over a year ago that I started attending Open Mic Nights at a local pub. Seeing these performers do their songs was all well and good, but I needed someone in order to actually perform - as I don't play the guitar. I tried learning, but my teacher left after just 5 weeks of working with him, and didn't persue this any further. It wasn't long enough for me to get hooked. If I get hooked on something, it becomes my life (E.G. Formula One).

My mates were part of a local band called Prospekt, which broke up after the bassist left for University. With nothing to do, they started doing their own performances. The lead singer played the guitar, and so he went on doing his own thing, but the lead guitarist does not sing - and there within was the opportunity. We decided to work together and, eventually, we started performing at these Open Mic Nights, allowing me to constantly get more practice in whilst my mate kept up his guitaring skills, I guess you call it. Eventually, a lot of people were liking my music, but there was one slight problem - a guy called Peter Parker. And no, he isn't Spiderman.

Peter, a friend of mine, is a phenomenal talent. Whilst I thought I was doing good, this guy was plain awesome, and was in a way I guess an inspiration for me to keep doing better and better. About 12 months ago though, he left for America and never returned to this pub's Open Mic Nights. This, effectively, left me to become the somewhat "star" of the show, in the matter of speaking. Once this happened and I Peter wasn't around, other people performing kept asking me to sing alongside with them, albeit I hardly knew the words to the songs they wanted to perform!

Sadly though, not long after I came back from my holiday in October, the place stopped running Open Mic Nights. This kinda ruined all the momentum I had going, because I definately felt like I was doing the best I could at the time and I was being somewhat recognised for it. For a few weeks, I resorted to karaoke but it just didn't feel right for me. Me and my mate drove down to London to do some nights there too but alas, as a Uni-based pub, nothing currently goes on there right now.

Fast forward time to tonight. A group of our friends (including the aforementioned lead singer of Prospekt and my guitarist) headed down to another bar in town, which recently started up an Open Mic Night. Turns out that not only is the host a singer himself, but also wants to get into the industry as a promoter of unsigned artists. In a unique styIe, he only approaches people who he feels have the talent to succeed in the music business, instead of advertising in newspapers or the internet. Not only was said lead singer approached by the host, but also me as well. The offer is two original songs on the CD, and having a good chance of the CD falling into the right hands (E.G. Talent scout). If they think I'm good enough, then goodness knows where I could head off to in the future.

The problem is, do I take it on face value that this might just end up being a bit of fun, or could I really be faced with a good chance of taking the next step into going big time? Answers on a postcard please. I honestly won't build myself up to thinking the latter otherwise I'll just become disappointed eventually if nothing does come of it. But it does beg me to question if I could be facing a breakthrough...

...if so, I couldbecome famous for reasons other than "oh, he got mentioned on an F1 practice session once".

And if anyone cares, I'd still use the nickname of "Redders" rather than my real name. As it is, I now have a hoodie with "Redders" on it!