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So continuing with proper blogs...

...I'll talk about my holiday - being unable to even post on GS, weather, on being in a room surrounded by Massa fans and plenty of lizards.

I spent two weeks in the unspoilt, unknown destination of La Palma. It's one of the smaller Canary Islands, home to just 36,000 people and where tourists have only been "properly" coming for a few years now.

To start off with... things weren't exactly great. Example - the day before we left I had to sleep at 2 'til 7 in the afternoon/evening, as the minibus would arrive at 1AM. Three hours in a rusty old tub to Manchester airport is very uncomfortable, trust me.

Then the flight itself missed one vital ingredient - entertainment. No TV, no film, no radio, no NOTHING. Thomson Fly ALWAYS has entertainment, so why none now? We were on a plane for 4 and a half hours and they were going to give us nothing to do? It definately ruined the first little part of the holiday, as beforehand I'd managed to buy myself a copy of F1 Racing to read out on the sunbeds to keep me entertained. Instead, I'd managed to get through three quarters of the magazine on the plane. The rest of the time I was either eating or sleeping.

Like I said earlier, you don't get tourism much at La Palma - with it only coming into a real swing about 4 or 5 years ago, the Airport there is so tiny, and construction is still under way there. Not that I actually cared upon arrival, as my ears failed to "pop" during the decent, so I was in complete agony.

The hotel La Palma Princess is about a 45 minute drive away, which is an incredibly long time considering the distance between the two places has to be about 15 miles at most, however (with exception to 1 1KM stretch) there are no straight roads on La Palma anywhere. the hotel itself was only built 4 years ago, and British tourists have only been going since last year, so whilst the staff's English wasn't too great, the little Spanish I know helped out in virtually every situation.

"Tres Sidra, por favour". They'd look at me gone out, so I'm presuming this isn't right.

Yes, I'm aware I've just made a contradiction. Back to the point anyway.

It was on this holiday I was able to dig into Lewis Hamilton's autobiography of last year. Suffice to say, with exception to about the first third, you're looking at a re-cap of what you saw on-track to the 2007 season. Hamilton can't conclude a book either. You keep reading and then... it stops. You're made to think "so... what next?". It wasn't wrapped up very well. All I can say is though that there are some really good parts too, like his entire involvement in the SpyGate hearing (which filled about half a page it was that quick, Ferrari never even asked him any questions) and the fact that of all McLaren activities, everyone was there apart from one person - Fernando Alonso. Every individual in the team went to these activities to "bond together" before the season began, and yet Fernando never went to them. Maybe that's why he felt like an outsider come the end.

I also managed to read through another book in an entire day too, of BBC Radio 1's Chris Moyles with "The Difficult Second Book". This one is definately worth a read if you're someone who wakes up to this guy in the morning. For those of you that don't know who he is, Chris Moyles is a highly entertaining DJ on the UK's biggest radio station who host the breakfast show on Monday-Friday. Through him, listeners in the morning have gone from 1.5 million (when he started in January 2004) to over 8 million today. He comes over as a slightly arrogant, but funny, guy who will make a mockery of people if they give him half a chance. But reading this book makes you realise how much of a "radio personality" that all is. In real life, he's your average guy who is kind, caring and is a genuine nice guy. Does he live the famous lifestyle? No, he "sits on (his) sofa playing xBox 360 all day" (in his own words). Does he go to fancy posh parties drinking champagne and dining with the celebs? No, he's down his local for a pint with his mates. You can learn a lot about the real Chris Moyles in this book, and it's no wonder I couldn't stop reading it.

Being in the middle of nowhere though, there wasn't all that much to do. There were a few trips to see the island and all, but that was it apart from your entertainment at the hotel, which was lacklustre at best with a few exceptions. I must say though, if anyone ever visits the island, cover every square inch of it - there is some fantastic scenery around.

Then there was the computers there... I swear to God, not even dial-up was that slow. It took about 12 minutes to just log into GameSpot, and then by the time I'd managed to get onto the F1PU Board, there was no time to post any messages, so for those who were expecting me to still be a frequent face during that time, I apologise, but it was out of my control.

Going onto the subject of Formula 1, I have to say I was in awe of Singapore at night - what a sight it was. Being out of the house though and actually watching with other people, it does open my eyes though to how much the "Michael Schumacher" effect is growing on Lewis Hamilton, but at a much faster rate - seemingly disliked for being too good too quick. I mean seriously though, here I am - yes, on a race day I can get into a real fan mood and be all for the Brits and against the Ferraris, but at the end of the day, I can sit back and take a fair viewpoint - Massa was dominant in Hungary and unfortunate to have such bad luck, he dominated in Valencia and proves how much he is a title contender this year. It just seems though that no matter what, the Spanish fans just cannot do the same with Hamilton. He's been painted as a villain by the Spanish media for what happened last year with Alonso. As it was clearly shown, seen and understood, it was Alonso who threw his toys out the pram. Now he's at Renault, where he belongs because he's at home with them, and it shows by their victory in Singapore.

But I just don't understand why they won't give the guy a chance - one of the fans who speaks good English said to me "he's too young, too immature to be a World Champion" - slightly hypocritical when he's less than a year younger than when the only Spanish World Champion - hello Alonso again - won his first World Title. And yet you call Lewis too young and immature? Granted Lewis has had mistakes this year. In fact, you can't even call Canada a mistake - that was a blunder of epic proportions - but who hasn't of the top lot this year? Massa kept throwing it off in the first two races this year, Kimi's binned it into Sutil, a Belgian wall and a Sinapore wall, and Kubica lost control at Silverstone. Lewis has grown and realised he needs to play it safe when the time arrives, so he's grown wiser, if anything.

But back to my point, Singapore quali - there was me, quiet and reserved, just let out a tiny little "yes!" when Hamilton took pole, but knowing full well that Massa was about to take it back. And when he did, what was I greeted with? Not only applause for Massa's pole (which is fair enough), but then these lot felt they had the right to laugh at me for being a Hamilton fan. I mean seriously. I was the youngest person there and these guys, all older and meant to be more mature, are laughing at a 19 year-old kid because his driver's championship rival knocked him off pole position? Oh do grow up.

All I can say is the next day was hilarious for me. Massa had his Ferrai pit blunder (I mention Ferrari as it wasn't his fault) and all these guys who 22 hours ago had laughed at me are just silent. Completely silent as me and my Grandad tried as hard as we could to stop ourselves from laughing out loud. Not at those fans, but because of what had happened. Yes, we found the incident funny, not those people behind us who were distraught. If I wanted to, I could've turned around and said "who's laughing now?", but I am a better person than these lot obviously, so I just kept quiet. At least there is one thing I can say was good about these guys, and that was we all shared a good laugh watching the Ferrari mechanics bring back the fuel hose.

It seemed no matter where you went on the island, there were lizards. Everywhere. Big ones to small ones, it was just fun to watch. I'll have to view back the footage, but whilst I was asleep once my Mum decided to film my Nan feeding one of those lizards, which apparently was "very cute". Aww.

I've got some of the pics up here from my holiday. If you do feel like adding my MySpace, then do go ahead - just kinda make a note on the friend request that you're from GameSpot, otherwise I may deny the request 'coz of so many BS requests from people beforehand.

So yeah, that's about it... now time to get some sleep after getting up to watch the Japanese quali. I need it!

(P.S. If you are Spanish in any way or a Massa fan, don't take insult to some of the things I've said - I'm only directing those comments at those who were in that room at the time thinking it was funny to try and demoralise me.)