and my guys always played the other Def Jam titles..........This crap here.......will stay at the story......this is not what I expected.....this is not what Def Jam was or is..........No AKI engine Gameplay.... and that is what's wrong with this game....... I'm not hate-in, but how do you go from DJ:FFNY to the first MortaL Kombat system......or even a Knockout not FightNight This Demo was either rushed or just ASS.........thanks EA for makeing a new DEATH JAM........JAckOff Suits....who don't listen to people.... other than that try it out for yourself....
I Think I'm Going To pass On this one......Man I loved the others so much ...the Fighting system , the usage of the backgrounds......but this is a Totally different game, and I new they were going in a different direction when they didn't use the AKI system......but damn.. Hopefully its not part of the VenDette series.... ICON spin-off.....spint me OFF! I've played the demo.....Its all Flash for now...buttons suck.....Whoever tests these out should have told them about this craptitude...or they need new focus groups.......Will be renting..... BUT try it for yourself....
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