Today the Federal Assault weapons ban has expired. About time. If I didn't live in california I would go down to the Guns/Ammo/Beer store on the corner and pick me up some much needed heavy weaponry. I say "If I didn't live in California" because apparently California has some dumb laws that STILL prohibit me from owning an AK-47, UZI's, Calico M-900's, Colt AR-15 series, and so on, and so forth. WTF??
For all I know, some drugged up criminals could be hiding in my backyard right now just waiting for me and my family to fall asleep to come in and attack us with flame throwers, bazookas, and M-16's. How am I supposed to defend my self? Won't somebody think of the children!!
When will law makers wake up and smell the coffee?? I NEED an equal or greater amount of firepower than my would be kidnappers! How can I sleep soundly in my bed with out a Steyer AUG? Or withouth some kind of boobytraped C4 trip wires or at the very least an M60!?! What is America coming to?
I would like to ask our California law makers just what I am supposed to do if Al-Qaeda attacks my house tomorow? Huh? Answer me that Arnold!! Especailly now that this ban is still in effect in only certain states (like California)... what's to stop those dirty Arizonians from bringing their superior firepower over here to my back yard?
In a perfect world I would be able to buy surplus Abrams tanks and/or military jet fighters. Alas, I know that is only a pipe dream. :(
So, untill California law makers wake up and start living in "the real world", I will have to satisfy myself with using my favorite weapons in Goldeneye for the N64. :(
Don't weep for me, weep for the children :cry: