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Why I hate Journals

Okay, it's probably just me, but what is a journal really? Yup, that's right, it's a freaking diary. Yes, a diary. A diary that has had it's name changed so that the guys using them can feel better about their sexuality (I know I feel better). Girls write in their diary, guys write in their journals. Bah, either way it's a weird activity. What is the purpose really? To collect and organize your thoughts? To keep important events for future reflection? Poppycock! All it is is a way for self-important egomaniacs to make themselves feel more important, or to give their delusions of grandeur more validity by seeing their blather in print. Public Journals (like this one) are even less meriting (if that is possible), especially ones on GameSpot which basically are just rant space for overweight shut-ins and disaffected youth.

That's why Journals are wrong in general, but I personally dislike them because I can't seem write in them consistently. Should I really blame the journal for that? Why the hell not? I remember being forced to start one in 9th grade English class once. Some kind of writing excersise or something or other (stupid teachers), anyways, to this day I still say it was a complete waste of time I could have better spent playing blackjack in the back with my friends.

I probably have other reasons why journals suck, but they really don't come to mind right now, or... I can't go into them for religious reasons or something. Yeah.

Having said all that, please come back and read my thought provoking journal of provoking thoughts... and stuff. I post my random thoughts of the day (updated weekly) and other random stuff. Read my journal! I AM IMPORTANT!!!1!!11