Reggie_FilsAime's forum posts
you didn't say "absolutely", therefore, you're fake.
Ah come on guys, why do you have to be such doubters? I come on gamespot all the time to read all your absolutely awesome ideas, it took me this long to make an account though.Expect Oreos to stop being made tomorrow.
[QUOTE="Reggie_FilsAime"]Ok guys, it's really me Reggie, like totally. So since you want it I have my best translation team working on all the titles you mentioned right now, Tingle and Captain Rainbow. Expect a Q3 2010 release. ReggieSirSpudly
What about Soma Bringer, Last Window, or Takt of Magic Reggie?
Those games have audiences and you can't really show off Xenoblade without saying "oh he's the guy who made Soma Bringer, but we didn't want you playing that game."
Did you ever think about doing demo discs as a Pizza Hut Promotion? Buy 2 get 1 level of Sin & Punishment 2 free.
Well of course Last Window: Mayonaka no Yakusoku is coming out, Hotel Dusk was one of my favorite games. We'll also work on Soma Bringer and Takt of Magic, but those will take longer to translate.
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