YEP, look whos doing this late, durr hurr hurr.
But anyways yeah, hope everybody had a happy christmas. I personally had a good christmas, got some good stuff :U
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, the only one Ive beaten as of yet, very good game and entertaining, if you were a fan of Phantom Hourglass, you will not be dissappointed with this game. The only major game play difference between the two is that in ST you are limited to traveling by the rails, were in PH you can go anywhere that theres sea.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, the other DS game that I've started playing as of yet, the game play is good and all, but from what I've read about it, it does seem to be just something to appease fans. The whole Xion thing kindof throws things off, since she's member FOURTEEN of Organization THIRTEEN. But yeah, I havent gotten that far in it myself, so im not really in a place as of yet to really criticize it on parts, but BE READY, for when I am able to criticize parts I WILL, if I dont forget about it or if I feel like typing it out.
Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga, sadly havent touched it yet, but if its anywhere near as good as Bowsers Inside Story it will be worth it
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, same as what I said with Super Star Saga.
Little Big Planet, PSP version, played it from time to time when my DS wasnt in hand, havent gotten far into it, at all, but it is amusing to say the least.
AND I GOT SOME ART CRAP, my newest fad that I suck at, examples of my terrible art at my dA :U
100 or so regular markers, that if I wasnt so bad at coloring could be some amazing stuff to use to its full potential.
Like, 5 Prisma Color Markers, same as I said with the regular markers
125 Piece "Ultimate" Art set, oh man, all sorts of crap came with this, colored pencils, water colored pencils, paints, sharpeners, erasers, and some other stuff I cant remember.
AND yeah, thats it, hope you guys got some good stuff as well.
And in other news, happy start of a new decade, everyone.
2009 wasnt the best for me and my family, though the only one that directly happened to me is the Carbon Monoxide Poisining, all though that happened to my family as well, BUT YEAH. And I do doubt that everyone else had a care free year unlike me.
But still, hope everyone has a good new decade. I sure as hell hope 2010 wont be a repeat of 2009 and that it will actually be good.
See ya next time people
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