Yes! GS has the Neo-Geo Pocket Color in their system! I don't remember them having this much of a collection of older and less mainstream stuff last time I went digging in their archives.
I am a handheld NUT... to a point. I've still got my original Gameboy (grey rectangle with magenta buttons) but the screen recently came off... just a little crazy glue ought to fix that. I fell out of non-computer gaming after a while, even eschewing the Gameboy Advance when it came out. I don't know what happened to me at that point in time to make me so anti-GBA... maybe it was all the fanbois at the video game company at which I worked at the time drooling over it like the bunch of Neanderthals they were. One thing about me: if I have to look at it or hear about it every time I turn around, I'm going to get sick of it and there will be a backlash. It's why I never saw any of the Back to the Future films in the theater... I was tired of being told they were the coolest things since sliced bread.
Anyway, a number of years later, I got my head on straight again and stopped fighting my love of tiny technology. The Gameboy Advance SP came out and I wanted one in a bad way. The only problem was that I was an adult, now, and had trouble justifying the purchase. Luckily, Christmas that year, my best friend indulged me and got me a Neo Geo Pocket Color with six games. More on that later...
After hemming and hawing, and checking prices and game availability for the GBA-SP for years, I finally got the excuse I'd been waiting for: I got a promotion at work and decided to "treat" myself. I've pulled the pole out of my posterior and within the last 12 months have purchased a Fire Red GBA-SP and a Silver DS. Well... I also got a GP2X... when I have some time, I will be installing my SNES, NES, Atari 2600, Colecovision, and Intellivision emulators on it. I'd be playing my original consoles, but they're in storage with the parental unit back home because I didn't have enough room in my vehicle to take them when I moved across country. She's already lost my Commodore 128. I hope to whatever gods and goddesses exist that she hasn't lost my consoles.
One handheld you won't see me talking about is the PSP. I'm just really not interested. I'm sure it's a fine system, but I've made my choice with the DS. And, I can watch movies on my GPX2.
I'll make another post later about my adventures with the NGPC. It deserves a post of its own.
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