Well I'm going to college again and I'm taking physics, calculus, and AC/DC circuits. Hard classes. Also I'm now paying $25 a week for rent, $40 a week for gas, and $20 a month for internet. Yeah...... Gamescom and TGS went by. Pretty good announcements. Talk later about those. Not getting much money from financial aid these semesters..... Got $20 from dad and $20 from lori for my b-day. Aunt Mary and Mike have also moved in until they get a new house. Danelle is pregnaunt. Got portal for free the other day but I got stuck on a level and the graphics are making me sick. Dam pc shooters! Basically I haven't gotten a new game in a while. Just been playing black ops and RE the mercenaries 3d really. A lot of games coming out this holiday and 2012. Expensive! I really want to have a job but I get so tired easily and I have 6 hours of school plus 2 to 3 hours of homework to do. That and it is so nice to sleep in on the weekend. I don't know maybe I need more sleep or something. I have also been watching red vs blue and it is really funny and good!
"Son of a B*** - Red vs. Blue