Why why why why :cry: Why are all these great Japanese films having crappy remakes? Oh is history about to repeat itself again ? Let me make a small list of horrible remakes.........
Godzilla ( Despite being the only good French actor Jean Reno, couldn't save this film . Really did they even see a Gojira movie? Is it so hard to make a Giant Fire breathing monster who is MALE and not a wuss? ), Ring ( HorribleNaomi Watts I did not buy her whole acting bit , it was like glass in my eyes. Really I felt it that hard to watch) , Soon to be Ring 2 ( Oh God why again " My baby said so" , really lady? My baby says for you to shut up ),Last Samurai ( Die Tom Cruise and its not even true for something that was based on a true story. Wishful thinking of U-571 again I see. If you don't get it ,it's changing history ) ,Grudge ( I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar, the whole I love my boyfriend and some how he got this ghost girl to want to kill him . Really I fell asleep during this and woke up and found it still on. I thought the little girl who tried to hide from Sarah Michelle Gellar the smartest and most likable in the film) Shall We Dance (Jennifer Lopez please don't make go into details)*really thought hard how to make them short enough*
Well to the case in point now there is about to be a remake of Dark Water....It makes makes me feel more sick. Jennifer Connelly can never be as great as a actress as Hitomi Kuroki. The trailer made the whole thing look dumb. Rio Kanno as the daughter is a perfect role but this new person to play the part Ariel Gade, sorry I just don't care what happens to her. I know I don't have to see this film and I won't. Enough of bad remakes for me.
I know there have been other remakes, The Ring was also made into a Korean film , but that one was a great remake. Du-na Bae brought more feeling to her role than Naomi Watts could ever do.