Well, it's been quite some time since I've done a blog, almost two months in fact. The reason for the delay is just that I've been busy. Between work and games, I just haven't had the time, or the motivation to blog. But at 1:30 in the morning after having Titan Quest crash to the desktop on me....... I suddenly had the urge to post.
For awhile now I been doing the Guitar Hero updates and I think it's time to bring it to a close. I'm still playing off and on whenever I'm bored of "normal" games, and whenever I have company. But since my previous blog I have.................
Final Epic Mind-Blowingly Era-Ending Awesome Post -
The Battle Axe is mine....mwahahahaha!
So with that out of the way I'm thinking of getting a Total Access subscription going. I let my plus sub die out a few months ago and haven't gotten around to renewing. And maybe grabbin myself a shiny new web cam while I'm at it.....video blogs anyone?
Well that's all I got for now. If by chance I do grab that subscription and camera, I'll probably open with one of those completely original game collection blogs, followed by one of those even more original gaming set-up ones.
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