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I got a 360 and a PS3.

I bought the 360 using some of my Christmas money, and a PS3 with the help of my Father for blu-ray. I'm also a proud new owner of a Sony Bravia XBR 40" (My Dad bought it). Most of it I paid for with my Job money.

That makes me a Manticore now! :3 (PC+PS3+360+WII+PSP+DS=Manticore)

Gamespot's a joke.

Well, here I will be addressing my opinion of the Jeff being fired, and the all along terrible moderation problems.

Jeff was a great, funny guy, and his criticism was really valid after you played the game. I remember Twilight Princess. I was so mad when it first got an 8.8, but then after I played it, I probably would have given it a lesser score. What happened to him was WRONG, and what's been said so far is total BS.

First there was the PR everyone was expecting, that was total legal BS and didn't explain anything.

Then there was the people that work at gamespot that talked about it on the hotspot. They lied... I know it, makes me feel bad inside too. I want to believe them. But they said it had nothing to do with Kane and Lynch.. How could they know it wasn't for that, because they said they weren't told anything? Second is the bad "mic quality", which is BS, and finally Kane and lynch is up there to be nominated for GOTY. I listened to the one with "bad sound" and it was perfectly fine. They also edited the written review which didn't help out a bit.

With video games, if the game is overall fun, it will address the good issues that make it worth playing. Nobody wants to hear mostly about the bad stuff, if the game is downright fun. With Kane and lynch the game wasn't fun to play, so naturally they wouldn't be focusing on some of the good stuff it did. It was focusing on the bad stuff, which makes it an unfun game to play.

I've been a user for 3 years, and I've always enjoyed my stay at gamespot, besides the mods, that are well A-holes.

They are sooo nit-picky, and even when they're wrong they can't admit it in "Ask the mods". Yes sir, Ask the mods is a TOTAL joke.

I lost A WHOLE FRIGGIN level to try to help back some guy up, they didn't say anything about my concerns, they just point loss whored me, and deleted my posts.

That being said, I'm strongly considering migrating to IGN, I like the user base here, but the only person keeping me here for official gamespot stuff was Jeff. And the moderation is a total joke.

I got Super Mario Galaxy last wensday.

And all I can say, is be there or be square! This is the BEST video game I have EVER played! :D

This is more than GOTY material. This is "game of all time" material! It's going to be hard for Nintendo to top this!

Civilization is officially coming to consoles and handhelds!

I just got back from "Video Games Live" in Washington, DC, and Sid Meier himself, first officially announced that the Civilization series will be coming to consoles and handhelds.

I'm so excited, I got to talk to him, along with other celebrities in the Video Game industry and get their auto-graphs. Some included the creator of: Brothers in Arms, God of War, Unreal, and some other popular video games that I can't remember.

I'm flying out in about 1/2 a hour and it's like 5am, so I need to get going now.

First free image web browser, for the Nintendo DS!

This is a web browser with images, for the Nintnedo DS.

DS Linux with images video demo


You have to have a slot 2 flashcart with ram. Download this (DS Linux RAM Build) and open it in 7-Zip or something and install it to your SD card. Download this (links -g file), now open the rar file and put "links -g" in "linux/usr/bin". Now boot up linux, type "wnc", choose "WFC", Choose your wifi settings, it should set the connection up, now type "links -g". Press "ESC" to bring up the menu, choose "File", then you can click "Go to URL", type your URL in and hit "Ok". You can then touch the "K" icon in the upper right corner to switch between mouse and keyboard you use the d-pad to move to links.

The legend lives on!

Well I managed to pick up a copy of the Twilight Princess for my gamecube. I'm about 40 hours into it, and I find it to be easer then OOT. But still a great game. I think I have lost a little faith in Nintendo after some of the unesasery delays.

The first entry...

Well I have never keeped a blog before sooo bear with my newbieness... Nothing much has happened this week... I am planing to get a new DS game in the next 4 days!