RenatusUpborne's forum posts
Well the classification of all living things goes like this "Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species" the best way to look at it is as a huge family tree, now to extend the analogy further a genus (ie:Austroneria) is the parent of one or more species (ie: A. australis). The family is the grandfather, the order is the great grandfather, the class is the great great grandfather, the phylum is the great great great grandfather, and the Kindom is the great great great great great grandfather. Now we are Homo Sapiens, Homo is our genus, Sapiens is our species. Now if you want to take it further, our family is Hominidae, our order is Primates, our class is Mammalia, our phylum is Chordata, and our Kingdom is Animalia. This is all basic biology. I'll stop my explaination here.Austronereia is a genus of brown alga comprising approximately one species. Pterocladiophila reproduces by means of conceptacles; it produces tetraspores and dispores and carpospores.
Approximately one species? What is that even supposed to mean? viva_hate
Keep in mind Obama as president is the head of the Democratic party, which has majority in congress(almost enough for a shutout) He is also in prime position to replace two Supreme Court Justices one of which is already a democrat, and because the other that might be leaving soon is not it would put the democrats in a majority in the Supreme Court, and given the majority in congress it would be very unlikely that his appointment would be turned down. Once that is done Obama will have an iron grip on all 3 branches of the government.I know someone is going to say Obama/president but really the president doesnt have much power due to the other branches of governement. With money you can buy and do anything.
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