Halo 3: Forge
by Rentago on Comments
Yes indeed the map editor, if you've played Farcry, then you'll know how horrible this will go. I'm predicting people will flood uploads with tacky added doodads and call it awesome. I'll be locking myself in my room to customize a level into something artistic like I always do, wondering what you guys will do? Just hate 5 year olds put flying tanks, a box fortress of explosives, and litter the level with guns, then afterwards they really think their map is awesome. I don't want to play someones piece of ****, I want someone who put his time into a level to actualy improve it, make it better. If a level gives snipers too much advantage then I'll design tunnels, supply points to pick up shields, add cover to the level, or even make it so there are uniquely placed weapons to counter eachother at each edge of the level. Though I expect the first million using to think of this, only a hundred will do it right, I do suggest not joining random peoples custom matches with a custom level, WHY? Because alot of people suck at games and with this power they will actualy customize levels to put the most powerful weapons in secret spots where only he knows and a spot where he can own everyone cheaply, I see this alot too in games with map editors. Yes I know you can't change the level, you can change whats ON the level, boxes, weapons, vehicles, items, turrets, doodads, etc. I can bet a million dollars someone is putting a sniper rifle where you need a banshee to reach. I'll share common ideas and ideas of my own. -Common- -Make a fully blocked off fortress using the uphill level that already features a fortress, throw in weapons, crates and other things to block and fence off the base, give the zombies a vehicle in which they must use to push obstacle and make an opening. While spartans fend the attack off with their lives. I'll probably put every weapon in the base and maybe a vehicle to use as a mobile turret at the back. -Someone is going to mess up sand trap. -That big opened level with the man cannon the wide open grass lands, I'm expecting low gravity and maxed speed, probably a demolition derby will be made on it with the transportation warthog. Awesome free flying carnage. Someone will think adding rockets to demolition derby would be fun, when that person comes we know hes a retard. -I forgot the level name, it was the snow one, anyways as far as that level goes just more vehicles will be added. Other than that, the level would be messed up :p -My own ideas- -The new Lockout is much more interesting, I'll probably make it into a more properly trashed science facility putting boxes and other things around, blocking pathways and rooms that you'll have to break in to find weapons or other things. I'll call it THE THING, someone will be the juggernaut, featuring being cloaked fully shielded, max speed, if possible make him jump higher, he will come with a sword or hammer, give him the health boost so normal shield + head shot isn't enough to kill him, he will do extra damage, He will be the ultimate god. Of course he will never be able to use any guns or grenades. As you and a sqaud of spartans are sent to the facility in hopes of finding what went wrong, you'll start of with an assault rifle and pistol. You'll salvage the base as the juggernaut stalks you, because if any of you attempt to solo him you'll be dead, I'll make sure this requires everyones cooperation. You will most likely not have a shield, unless I find it necessary. -I want to make an ultimate zombie game, though as it always goes someone out their makes a cheap lazy kind that people think is awesome. Kinda like myspace or WoW, which will make it hard for me to get friends trying my custom games. I put effort into what I make. None the less, I plan to do something along the lines of a survival match, the survivors will have a transportation warthog, their weapons will be weak and limited at the start, their best hope is to travel across the map to find better weapons, thus making it so you start off at one edge of level and make you work your way to the otherside to the safe house. Zombies will start of around the middle, I'll make it so its not as easy as just driving across the level, I'll give the zombies the anti grav hammer and swords, if that doesn't toss off the road their will also be obstacles I put out to make sure its not a straight line. If you manage to reach the safe house (I doubt all of you are alive) you shall find longer ranged weapons and items to protect you. The safe house is well blocked off, of course it doesn't mean they can't simply smash your fortress to make more openings. so stay alive as long as you can :D -My last thing, Gladiators! Indeed hammers, swords, and anything else that seems futuristicly medieval or can work like one will clash! Vehicles as chariots and plasma weapons as magic, who wouldn't want balistics and arrows?! With a bit of imaginations my expectations on this will come true!