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I found a stray dog!

It was laying right in front of my 7-11. I picked it up, dusted it off and slid it right into my pocket :D Hmm? Oh not a real dog silly! It was a copy of Nintendogs. Anyway, when I got back home I checked it out for any imperfections, and to my surprise, when I popped it into my DS it worked fine!

I was greeted by a dog named Sparky (REAL original!) who was sent to the "Dog hotel" right away. I went to the kennel after and decided upon a Boxer or a Husky. I chose the husky because I love the gas store. When I was sent back to my home to play with him, I realized it was nameless. I tapped the screen frantically in search of an answer. I turned up uneducated about my problem.

After a few minutes of messin' around with the scamp, the screen faded to white with no mention of what had happened. I thought the chip had fried and I etched towards the power button until I was startled by a woman's voice shouting "Lucky! Maxwell!" I thought she was talking to me! I became so satisfied with myself until I looked at the bottom screen. I read the directions carefully and started saying "Gas station" into my DS.

When the hour of trance-like chanting had stopped I had a Siberian Husky named "Gas Station." Satisfied with my accomplishment, I proceeded to walk GS around the block picking up the oddly placed present every now and again. When we got home, I decided I should check GS's stats, and to my surprise, my DS had officially re-named me Dianne! Now I had two options, live the rest of my life being ridiculed by my friends for being called Dianne, or find a way to change it.

I tried to find any trace of a "Character info" tab on the house screen, and found my self as lost as I was when I tried to name GS! At that moment I thought clicking on another screen would probably help, so I tapped on the "Go out" button and when the screen had loaded, I was dumbstruck. Right in the bottom-right corner of the screen was an "INFO" tab. Feeling like a moron, I opened "INFO" and the first thing I saw was "Trainer info" I opened the screen and was shocked at my discovery. Dianne was a man!

Wondering what drugs Dianne's parents were on while they named him, I proceeded to change the name, birth date, gender, and awesomeness level...I know it's fake but I like to think I'm awesome sometimes... When everything was finished I headed back to the "Go out" screen and saw "Contests" title with a picture of a trophy. Seeing as how competitive I am, I tapped the button quickly to be greeted by three bars. "Disc throwing" "Obedience" and "agility" or something like that. I decided upon the disc throwing competition because it sounded like it was the most fun.

When the announcers had finished announcing we got into the competition. Now, I'm not the guy who's quick to realize things and with video games, it's no different, I threw the disc as far as I could and then it hit me that some practice really would've come in handy. Poor Gas Station ran his stubby little legs off, but he just couldn't make it in tme and the disc landed in the farthest end, rewarding me with 0 points. When GS finally arrived at the disc, he proceeded to gnaw on it. with only 30 seconds left, things looked bleak. I tried to usher him towards me but I didn't prevail. He stayed at the purple grass for a good 10 seconds until he realized this was a contest and he had to hurry his furry tail off. It was no use though, when he got back to me, the time ran out and we lost. Both tired and disappointed we headed home.

When we got back from the contest, I decided I had played it long enough and ejected it from my DS and popped in Phantom hourglass. Maybe GS and I will meet again one day... Well since you took the time to read this, why not get involved in it? Post your worst or best experience with the game to share with the rest of the community! :D