[QUOTE="RexHoles"]If Cunningham isn't in the HOF, Vick has no place being mentioned. Not even close. Even the thought gives me Diabetes-like symptoms.
Note the 'if he finishes like Steve Young' Steve Young his first 7 or so years in the league he wasn't a HOFer. He became one later in his career. True, but his first 7 years involved being the QB for one of the worst teams in history, then becoming the backup to Montana.
I will admit, the more of this thread I read, the more im becoming convinced you can have an average team with a good oline/dline and QB you can succeed. I think back to the Cowboys of the early-mid 90's. Emmitt was a pretty good back, but nowhere near as good as his stats suggested. His oline was the best the NFL has ever seen, not to mention he had a great FB blocking for him, and Irvin was one of the best blocking WRs ever, if not the best. Only Payton, Brown, and Sanders were able to dominate without elite olines or passing games.
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