Good to see another person enjoying Minecraft. EDIT: Oh, cheats on second page. I take back my compliment. To each their own, but cheating just makes the game's appeal die faster.
All I have to say is **** Fox. They have apparently made it a personal goal to censor video games. If you go looking for something you don't like, you're going to find something to complain about. Get over yourselves all ready Fox. It's gonna have an 18+ age requirement, and if that's not good enough for you... well... I pity you.
As soon as more developers decide to make modest female characters that fit well in the scenario and don't make a sexual innuendos constantly (that was clearly written by a man), I think the world of gaming can finally be enjoyable for me. It's a shame that most games have shallow female characters that clearly only have a uh... couple reasons to want them on-screen.
The demo was boring for me personally. The visuals were "Ooo" and "aaahh", but after that passed there wasn't anything else that stood out about it. I really loved DA:O, and REALLY wanted to play the second one, but with the lack of an impact the demo made on me... I just couldn't see myself paying $60 for it. =/
First thing that comes to my mind is the whole Metal Gear Ac!d 2 "3D" thing for PSP. But with Nintendo being original in their ideas & finding creative ways to adapt them to a console (or I guess a handheld in this case)... it should be interesting to see the result.
Reyveign's comments