oh dear
I skipped sleep and spent the whole night gaming.
When I was younger I'd pass out on the keyboard then go to school next morning with an awesome hairdo. Tonight it didn't happen but the lack of sleep will make me go serious ADHD
time is nearing 6 am, I'm gonna drink lots of coffee
Am almost a coffee virgin I am so it will have great effect I tell you.
I want waffles too
Gonna hang with user sugkukare here on gamespot today
but only cause he has a PS3 and REAL orange juice
say hi to him, but don't tell him I said that cause he went emo on me last time
UpdATE - 7.30 am pissin geveryone off while they are breakfasting mimicing them and just being annoying, must stay strong soon waffles time and shower not feeling tired really
update - 09.11 am I am done with waffelz, never gonna eat ever again
Update - 2 december. Me and sugkukare co-oped some army of two till the third guy showed up(he does not have a gs acc)
and we finally got to the point. One of our friends since 1st grade was bisexual,
sugkukare didnt seem as upset as I was, me having homohpobia. I ate a ton of junk food and drank coca cola cheery which is damn delicous to get some energy to stay awake. Then I finally got home in the evening and I slept for 16 hours straight! and when I woke up I felt like crap
the end