I find it hard to dislike people I don't know especially "famous people" but I despise Megan Fox. She complains about wanting movie roles for her acting skills and not being pretty when she can't act at all so if she got her wish she would be broke. She complains all the time about being too pretty. She claims she is bi-sexual but can't stand kissing a girl if shes been with a boy even though she dated a boy (stupid logic) and everything out of her mouth makes her seem stupider than previously thought. Basicially shes a horrible brain dead actress complaining about being too pretty.
Hard to anwser because too many diffrent vampires and werewolves depending on what you read/watch. Though I wouldn't choose a bad cgi werewolf from new moon or a sparkly vampire.
Alot of places in America are incredibly stupid, homophobic, racist etc etc. Personally I think America is a horrible place and i'm American born and raised. I live in South unfortunately where most people are stupid.
Probally only a few people know him but i've talked and met Max Green and Randy Romance a few times back when I was dating a girl in the music buisness.
I have never liked Family Guy infact I loathe it. I have however watched the three new episodes this season because I had nothing else to download atm and even for Family Guy the last episode was just bad,lazy, strung together, and at several points had terribly dull bland voice acting. It annoys me how in every episode of family Guy so far they mention The Cleveland Show (which is far worse than American Dad and Family in one) almost as if Macfarlane's screaming "Please please watch The Cleveland Show so it won't be cancelled I need more money." The Multiverse episode in Family Guy standards was ok but after it these episodes are almost as bad as The Juice Is Loose episode and I was surprised they didn't throw in 5 minutes of Conway Twitty because McFarlane is obviously out of ideas.
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