Why should u use a plane in a big city? too hard to fly and just no room.. In GTA SA it was great to fly a plane with the big open fields and dessert landscape but i dont think u need planes in GTA 4 if u got a helicopter
Although GoW was fantasic now come clones such as bio shock, resistance, lost planet none have the a good scare value.
I own LP and GoW... i can tell u its not a clone.. LP is a japanese styled shooter and GoW 110% real american brute.. so its really no clone.. belief me..
and bioshock is a very good looking game not coming near to a clone of GoW..
I dunno.. its pretty funny so maybe they let it in becaus of that :P i really dunno... ask bungie mail them or something :) I think its funny so ive no probs with it
I know a game looking like myst called Atlantis or something but the gameplay doesnt fit with what u discribe... but i played nr 2 so it could be it.. (it doesnt help does it?...)
Its called muscle reflex its actually very realistic. If u die sometimes your muscles will respond by tighting all the muscles in your body so it can happen that your finger will pull the trigger... its very theoritical but it can happen
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