I'm getting Black and the boy is getting White. Neither of us really care because we can just trade to one another. I guess the deciding factor was that I liked the look of Reshiram better than Zekrom lol.
Ribbonandbow's forum posts
I have 26 at the moment. Funny how it looks like more than that when they are sprawled out horizontally on a shelf haha.
Heh, I must say I am such a bargain bin gamer.The only reason I have a huge backlog of games is because I buy impulsively from bargain bins. I don't have time to play them, but they're there if I want to. I don't feel overwhelmed because I'm not in a huge rush to get to them. I'm plugging away at Uncharted right now, goodness knows when I'll finish it. I'm a very simple gamer: play when I can, buy when stuff goes down.
Ah yes, another game I must add to my "games I loved years ago and must hunt down" list. I rented Star Fox 64 numerous times when I was younger, but never did buy it. Thank you for reminding me of its epicness! :)
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