Sup GS
It's been a long time since I written a blog. Like riding a bike, right? :|
So anyways, I've been workingthe past couple of months. I work at Target if you guys were wondering. Target is a pretty good place to work, nice people, clean place, but hard work. At leastI get a 10% discount on anything in the store, WOO DISCOUNTED VIDEOGAMES!
Speaking of video games, let's talk about them. Well I just hit 9k in my gamerscore. I'm not one who cares about my gamerscore but it's fun to look at it every once in a while. I just got Madden 08 and Two Worlds, got tired of shooters :roll:. Madden is Madden (GO JETS!!)and Two Worlds is a good RPG that reminds me of Fable.
The main game I am focused on is Half Life 2.
Yes, I know, your a little late Rican! I know it's been out for 3 years but I have always wanted to play the game, I've had friends tell me how good it is but I never had a good system to play the game. Now that I have a great PC,I decide to buy it off Steam. WOW is this game ridiculous! The graphics is hold up well even after 3 years. Gameplay is fun and additive! The story is like a reallygreat sci-fi movie. Hell of areview, right?.....I give it 5 OMG out 5 OMG!!
If anyone has any games I should buy for PC or anything to add please send me a PM or a comment.
One final note: MASS EFFECT MASS EFFECT CoD4 CoD4!!!!!!
Best Reviewer Ever
The OMG One