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RicardoJam Blog

E3 09 june 2nd

That has got to be the lousiest E3 that i have ever wasted time to be excited about! Nintendo....seriously....I loved Gamecube.....still play the darn thing.

I stood by you, you had frickin Sweet E3's while the cube was alive and now being the market leader being everyone's lil **** and you've turned into the popular girl who just does not PUT OUT!

New SuperMario Brothers

Mario Galaxy 2

Metroid: other M (with team ninja)?

that's it? where is PIkmin 3? where is Monolith Software's RPG? Baten Kaitos anyone? Where is retro studios new IP? No Kirby? No Kid Icaris? No Zelda? Not even an updated Smash bros with more characters and 100 more trophies? No Wii Fire Emblem? No new Wii Pokemon Rpg?

C'mon ninty your killing me here, that was lackluster you can do better........., you used to do better when you were the underdog!!!

Oh lord another year and nothing to write home about and to think I wasted time watching the damn conference I could have been cooking dinner or cleaning my house......Ninty for shame...... :(