Well, Summer has come and now i have nothing to do. playing online and working is going to get old pretty darn quick.
My solution? post my MKWii friendcode!
MKWii Friendcode: 3136-6966-7685
Name: Helmut
Well, Summer has come and now i have nothing to do. playing online and working is going to get old pretty darn quick.
My solution? post my MKWii friendcode!
MKWii Friendcode: 3136-6966-7685
Name: Helmut
well, i got supreme commander FA for my computer on christmas and so far i have only cheated because i have low believing in my abilities. chaets are cheap unless you are the one using them.:twisted:lolz
my next blog posts until December 3rd are now going to be about new additions to super smash bros brawl. mainly items characters and other updates so i should update close to every day unless their is nothing new.
Im still sittin' on my butt waiting for tomorrow for Metroid Prime 3. Im also getting impatient for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance AND any other games i like. Patience is not one of my virtues, but, eh. what are you gonna do about it.
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