The graphics in stalker are dated, it had a 6 year plus development cycle so the models have a poly count next that of CS 1.5 (due to the fact CS itself is around the 10 years mark by now, with slight poly count increases from v 1.0 to 1.5). The good thing (or bad to some) is they plugged in graphical updates to stalker along the way to include things such as HDR lighting and Bump mapping which have only really come into play a lot in games in the past few years (Half-Life 2 added HDR lighting with the lost cost demo).
Having said that, Stalker game play is very interesting (although the game has quite a few bugs, but 3 different developers!?! Its surprising it doesn't have more) and really good, the world itself is something unlike anything I've ever played, it feels alive so for game-play I loved it and the graphics weren't terrible, but certainly not next-gen
Command And Conquer 3 feels like Tomb Raider Anniversary (WTF! How can I compare a 3rd person shooter to an RTS?)... wait!, in terms of how it was done. They took an old game (the original C&C feel) and put fancy new graphics on it, and sure, sometimes it does look nice, but I personally want something new out of game-play (which stalker gave me) so I couldn't bring myself to buy it (just played the demo and on a friends computer, then got bored). I love Company of Heroes, so I believe you already made a good choice there.
World in Conflict might be worth a look since you were trying to compare a first person shooter and an RTS, WIC feels like a FPS even though it is an RTS, its fast, ya get frags, it has multiplayer and single player, you can log into a server at any time and it's a lot of fun (I played the closed beta). It is coming out in September, so maybe you need something to pass the time until then.
So my long winded point. If graphics aren't the biggest issue and you'd like an interesting game, go for stalker. If graphics are, perhaps the low poly models will make you sleepy, so go for C&C. If you can wait, maybe check out WIC.
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