Righteous_Jon's forum posts
So if you haven't played Lost in Nightmares turn away! Flee! Be swift! Spoilers!
But if you have played and would like to talk about it heres a thread for you. I beat it last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Couple of good scares and if you set the mood right some Resident Evil 1 scares for a little bit of a throwback. I played through on normal and was able to beat it in a little over 40 minutes. Most of the puzzles were easy peezy lemon squeezy, and the same monster over and over with no zombies made me a little sad, but overall it was most definitly worth my 400 ms points. I haven't ever even beaten the second level on mercenaries before on the original game, but being able to play as Barry "The Beast" Burton in the mercenaries reuinion was a blast. This really was a job well done on Capcoms part and I hope to heaven almighty they do something like this for Resident Evil 6 as a whole. Great DLC. What do you guys think?
My favorite line is in RE2 after Ben dies on Leon B. Ada runs off after Leon tells her not to, and then Claire calls him on the radio to tell him to go to the sewer and turns the radio off after he tries to explain to her theres a big bad out to kill them. Right after that he says, "Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me." I just thought it was funny because nobody ever does.
My favorite corny line is when you first meet Sherry as Claire in the basement of the RPD and she tries to pull away from you and Claire says, "What's the matter? Don't you trust me?" in a REALLY creepy voice / laugh kind of way. If I was Sherry I definitly wouldn't after that.
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