@lithus: You had to do some serious mental gymnastics to come do this conclusion.
By this logic the creators of DOTA or CS weren't original either.
The concept of a survival battle royale as a game was pioneered by Brendan Greene, so what if it started as a MOD? Dota and CS have the exact same pedigree.
And yes it is definitely aping / cloning PUBG in the sense that its the first big BR game that Brendan Greene hasn't personally worked on.
I think its time for you to admit that you sucked at PUBG so you moved over onto the easier game.
@groowagon: In a recent interview they confirmed that they were working on 3 new titles. One is a souls like, one is a series reboot (Armoured Core perhaps?), and one entirely new IP / style of game.
@cubancigar11 No, hes saying Voobly has been offering a better matchmaking system, widescreen resolutions, AOFE if u wanna play that one, NAT 2.0, a vastly superior lobby, for free, just download/ buy the original AOC and the voobly client.
The AOE2 community has been alive for a great many years thanks to Voobly
Fallout 3 and most of these games are unfair comparisons, they're developed for xbox 360 first and then ported to ps3 The potential hardware capability for the ps3 is still higher, its just that we keep getting second preference from developers.
well GrimBee all of this is business well as entertainment, sure to stay with the current gen or play the next gen will cost you an arm or a leg but the only people who truly do it are hardcore gamers... for the rest of us we stretch a bit for a next gen console or just play older games and buying parts when its cheap. My advice, just wait, wait till the net cafes have them up and running, or when Crysis is in a bargain bin... by then itll be cheap as chips to play it
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