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About the carnival and other things.

Aloha Guys and Girlys!

Well the carnival was fun. We had to wear these ugly t shirts but we all signed each others shirts. We made them pretty :P.First we had graduation practice, which took like forever cause people kept messing up. But then finally at a little after 10:00 a.m. we got to go to the carnival. My friend Jen grabbed my hand and ran to the back of the school, to the carnival because she was starving. She ate a cheese burger and chips, so she was happy. I ate the yummy cotton candy :P.

Then me, Jen, Alex, and Sean walked around and Jen kept trying to push me towards Nick. She keeps calling him my boyfriend :P even though he's not. I wish he was :P. Then me and my friend Lindsey went on this huge blow up thing that you jump on and go through little obstacles. Right when I was walking to get soda, Jen comes and jumps on my back. I almost fell forward :lol:. She kept saying"There's your boyfriend go get him!" Then she finally jumped off of my back.

Then we went around, signing each other's shirts. So we had a fun time.

Today was more graduation practice and we did that perfectly. So we only had to do it once. Then we got our yearbooks. So basically all we did at school today was clean out our lockers, graduation practice, and sign yearbooks.

At 5:00 p.m. my friend Alex is coming over and we're gonna hang out and probably watch movies.

