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Aloha Girlys and Guys!

I HATE THE COLD!! It's been so windy and cold, and I hate it so much. :evil: For some reason my room is always the coldestin my house andit was sooo windy and cold last night, so I slept with 6 blankets! :lol: My mom and dad bundled me up with blankets. I hardly moved all night. :P I needed someone to cuddle or hold me to keep me warm. :cry: :P And it was again very cold today, I hate the fall and winter. :P My hands are like icicles right now. :lol:

So anyway school has been eh. Too much drama going on and I'm always stuck in the middle of it. A couple of days ago it was between my friend and her now ex boyfriend. Now it's between my friends Amanda and Victoria. Victoria says things bad about her to me at lunch and Amanda says bad things about her to me on the bus. So, I'm stuck in the middle. I'm not taking sides because it would be wrong. I try to get them to talk to each other about it, but of course they are being stubborn. They use to be best friends.

I got 2 progress reports today. I got my math and lab biology ones. In math I have a 83, which is good cause I suck at math. :P Lab biology I have a 100. :P I made honor roll in the first marking period, lets see if I could do that again.

Dun dun dun, I have to do rock climbing tomorrow. If I trip on stairs, how am I supposed to do that?! :lol: I'm going to fall, I see it now. :P The last time I did rock climbing was a year ago and the rope got stuck. :| So, this 17 year old guy had to climb up and carry me down. It was some experience. :lol:

Speaking of tripping on stairs, I did that today. My friend Sean and Me were walking down the stairs to go to the busesand I was wearing heels today, so of course I tripped. He grabbed onto my arm and I was cracking up. If he wasn't there......oh geez. :lol:

I also made it to level 25 now. :D

Ummm that's all I could think of for now. :P How is everyone? :)

Me and Chris have been together for 3 months and 5 days. I absolutely love him with all my heart. :oops:

Hugs, (I need a lot of them since I'm so cold!) :P
